Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Knitting Daily TV
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Nantucket Vest-Interweave Knits
Belated Happy Birthday to Alyssa!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Long Time No Post
Taylor (my 16-year-old daughter) has been having medical problems for over a year. She has seen doctor after doctor in search of answers. Her list of symptoms is WAY too long to list, but her major symptoms are ventricular tachycardia, extreme fatigue, weakness, tremor, difficulty thinking, very high heart rate, very low blood pressure, and did I say extreme fatigue? We have been told that her symptoms are a result of the war in Iraq (huh?), depression and anxiety, MY depression and anxiety, her imagination, fibromyalgia, electrical problems in her heart, etc, etc, etc. I have been told by many very brilliant doctors that there is nothing wrong with her and that I am doing her a disservice by allowing her to be home schooled through our school district. What they don't get is that she can't go to school. She is too ill.
Finally, we found an absolutely amazing doctor who actually LISTENED to us, payed attention to her long list of weird symptoms, and put the puzzle pieces together. He did a tilt table test to confirm her diagnosis and (drum roll, please) she has POTS. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. She also has Neurocardiogenic Syncope. These are specific types of dysautonomia, which means that her autonomic nervous system does not work properly. The main treatment for this condition is to increase salt and fluid intake by A LOT. There are also medications, but we are hoping that she won't need them. For now, we'll just have to see how things go.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Gossamer Smocked Tunic Pattern!
Link to Interweave Knits Spring 2011 Preview
It's almost here! The preview for Interweave Knits Spring 2011 is up and available for your viewing pleasure. The magazine will be on bookshelves soon. I really enjoyed writing this pattern and knitting the Gossamer Smocked Tunic. I knit this sweater in Mexico while on vacation this summer. (See below for proof!)
Gossamer is knit with Shibui Silk Cloud; a beautiful combination of mohair and silk. If you have never knit with Shibui yarns, you should really check them out. The Baby Alpaca is also wonderful.
I would pair this sweater with skinny jeans, boots or sandals, and a glass of champagne. (In fact, maybe I will!)
I would love to hear what you think of Gossamer and post your photos on my blog. Click here if you would like to send me an email!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Holidays!
Interweave Holiday Knits 2010 (out now!)
Summer 2011 Interweave Knits
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Interweave Knits Gifts 2010 is Almost Here!
You can purchase the magazine directly from Interweave here:
http://www.interweaveknits.com/holiday/holidaygifts2010/gift-preview-2010.aspYou can also find it at your local bookstore in early November.

Karma Slippers
Shelley Gerber
Yarn Main slipper ShibuiKnits Highland Wool Alpaca (80% wool, 20% alpaca; 246 yd [225 m]/250 g): #220 peony (beaded and fuzzy flower slippers) or #229 mulberry (bunny and beaded flower slippers), 1 skein.
Edging for beaded slipper ShibuiKnits Baby Alpaca DK (100% baby alpaca; 255 yd [233 m]/100 g): #1675 pagoda (orange), 1 skein.
Embellishments Beaded flower ShibuiKnits Baby Alpaca DK (100% baby alpaca; 255 yd [233 m]/100 g): #7501 ivory (MC), 1 skein, and ShibuiKnits Silk Cloud (60% kid mohair, 40% silk; 330 yd [302 m]/25 g): #7495 wasabi (CC), 1 skein.
Fuzzy flower ShibuiKnits Silk Cloud (60% kid mohair, 40% silk; 330 yd [302 m]/25 g): #1605 dragonfly (MC) and #7495 wasabi (CC), 1 skein each.
Bunny ShibuiKnits Baby Alpaca DK (100% baby alpaca; 255 yd [233 m]/100 g): #1765 blossom (MC), 1 skein, and ShibuiKnits Silk Cloud (60% kid mohair, 40% silk; 330 yd [302 m]/25 g): #7501 ivory (CC1) and #7495 wasabi (CC2), small amount of each.
Needles Slippers and beaded flower—size 8 (5 mm). Fuzzy flower and bunny—size 2 (2.75 mm). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.
Notions Stitch holder; tapestry needle; pins; ¼" elastic (optional); 48" of ⅝" wide ribbon (optional).
Beaded slippers Size G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook; sixteen ½" silk flowers; 16 red crystal beads; sewing needle and matching thread.
Beaded flower 32 champagne-colored crystal beads; 32 ivory pearl beads in assorted sizes; straight pins or head pins; round-nose jewelry-making pliers; jewelry-making wire cutters; size G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook; sewing needle and matching thread.
Fuzzy flower 14 teal crystal beads; sewing needle and matching thread.
Bunny Size B/1 (2.25 mm) crochet hook; stuffing or batting; black and dark pink embroidery floss; sewing needle and green thread; 8 green crystal beads; eight ¾" silk flowers.
Gauge 18 sts and 32 rows = 4" in garter st.
Beaded flower 18 sts and 22 rows = 4" in St st with MC.
Fuzzy flower 32 sts and 64 rows = 4" in garter st with yarn doubled.
Bunny 30 sts and 64 rows = 4" in garter st with MC.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Chemo Cap Fundraiser
If you're interested in knitting or helping in some way, please feel free to email her at tete.a.tete.hats@gmail.com. There is never a charge for hats, so if you know if someone who needs one, just email Taylor to work out the details.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Back to School
Well, it's that time again. The lazy days of summer are gone. Back to the early mornings, massive doses of homework, soccer practices, and cooler weather. The good news is that it's going to be easier to keep up a regular yoga schedule. In theory, anyway.
I'm working religiously on my current project for Interweave Knits. I'm so excited that my design for Interweave Knits Gifts should be out soon. It's a November publication, but that means that it will show up in the bookstores earlier than that, right? I can wait to see what they did with the photos. It's an incredibly fun project to knit and I can't wait to hear what other knitters think of it. It's my first published pattern.
Taylor (my 15-year-old daughter) and I are working on hats for a group of 46 moms that are shaving their heads in LA on September 7th. The moms are raising awareness and money for childhood cancer research. This is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month. If you're interested in checking out Taylor's chemo cap donation site, go to http://tete-a-tete-hats.blogspot.com/. Her site also lists the 46 Mamas Shave for the Brave information. We are very excited that Ronda's Closet, an amazing boutique in our area, is going to be holding a fundraiser for Tête-á-Tête Hats in late September. More info coming soon regarding the date/time in case you would like to attend.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Flower Designs
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Shoe Soling Instructions
One note about safety: The sewing awl is extremely sharp. It's very important NOT to get your hands or fingers near the sharp end as you are pushing it through the leather. I learned this one the hard way! If you are concerned about hurting yourself, then take the shoes to your local cobbler. I'm sure he or she would love to add the soles for you and has all of the notions readily available.
•Sewing awl with spool of thread attached
•Awl (smallest size at hardware store) and hammer (or leather punch tool)
•Piece of leather of sufficient size for your shoe soles, or equivalent in two smaller pieces (one piece for each shoe)
•One pair of insoles
•Sharp scissors for cutting leather
•one-half inch elastic
•All purpose glue (such as Aleene’s Fast Grab Tacky Glue)
•Wooden or plastic clothespins
(Sewing awl tool (with spool attached, thread included, and sewing instructions), leather, and leather punch tool are available at your local craft store. Leather scraps are a suitable material for the shoe soles, and are very reasonably priced. Insoles are available at your local drugstore.)
Creating and Attaching
the Leather Sole:
As a first step, I recommend reading through the whole soling (yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s a word) process.
Once you’re ready to begin, it’s important to figure out the proper size for your inner and outer soles. To do this, follow the directions for trimming the insoles to your size shoe. I usually trim the toe of the insole and outer sole with a more square shape than the guideline printed on the insoles. The guideline is usually too pointy for my taste. Once insoles have been trimmed, use them as a rough pattern to create your leather outer sole.
Place the insoles right side up on the wrong side of the leather. With a ballpoint pen, draw around the insole edge, creating a guideline on the leather. Draw a new line that is one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch outside of the original line that you just created by tracing the insole. This will create the perfect fit for the outer sole. If you prefer to adjust the shape of the inner or outer soles, now is the time to do it. Cut out leather soles with sharp scissors.
Now the outer leather soles are trimmed to the exact shape that you will need. On the wrong side of the leather, draw a line one-eighth of an inch from outer edge of sole. Use the leather punch or awl and hammer to make holes approximately every one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch for sewing soles to knitted fabric.
Try on the knitted section of the shoe to determine exactly where to glue the sole. Cover the sole with a thin coat of glue and step on sole to position. Adjust as necessary. Secure edges with clothespins and allow to dry overnight.
Once glue has completely dried, follow the directions on the sewing awl package to sew leather securely to knitted fabric.
Shoe can be worn with or without insole according to your preference.
Keep in mind that your choice of insoles will affect the fit of the flat. Memory foam insoles are extremely comfortable and widely available, however they take up more room on the inside of the shoe. If you choose thick insoles, then please plan to accommodate them when choosing your knit shoe size. If you are on the borderline between a size 7 and 8, you should probably size up. The insoles that you choose will also affect the shape of your outer sole because the insoles will be used as a rough pattern for the outer sole.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Spring has sprung early at my house!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Granny Square Mania
Monday, March 15, 2010
Alyssa's "Dude Bags"
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
SweaterBabe Talia Vest
My version of this vest (as pictured below on my lovely daughter, Taylor) can be seen on the sweaterbabe website...
Check out my version of the Talia Vest at: http://blog.sweaterbabe.com/knitting/
Shelley's Talia Vest
Here's a very "spring-worthy" #82 Talia Shaped Vest from Shelley G. of San Diego, CA. She used Blue Sky Alpacas 100% Cotton Yarn in Pickle 633. 
This is what Shelley had to say about this project:
"This pattern was fun to knit and I love the fit of this vest. Very flattering! I was a pretty new knitter when I knit this pattern several years ago, so it's not perfect! I still like it, though, and I think that it still retains your design for the most part. :-) "
Thanks for sharing photos, Shelley. It looks great on your daughter and on the mannequin. Looks like you omitted the edging around the armholes and neckline to give it more of an "organic" feel.
Shelley's Talia Vest
Here's a very "spring-worthy" #82 Talia Shaped Vest from Shelley G. of San Diego, CA. She used Blue Sky Alpacas 100% Cotton Yarn in Pickle 633.
This is what Shelley had to say about this project:
"This pattern was fun to knit and I love the fit of this vest. Very flattering! I was a pretty new knitter when I knit this pattern several years ago, so it's not perfect! I still like it, though, and I think that it still retains your design for the most part. :-) "
Thanks for sharing photos, Shelley. It looks great on your daughter and on the mannequin. Looks like you omitted the edging around the armholes and neckline to give it more of an "organic" feel.