Friday, February 26, 2010

Silken Scabbard

Here's my version of Stitch Diva's Silken Scabbard design. It came out great, however, I decided that I didn't need to do the tubular bind off---WRONG! A regular bind off just doesn't work here. It doesn't stretch enough because this is a very fitted sweater. As a result, I need to rip out the bottom and re-do the bind off. I have been procrastinating this one for quite a while. For some strange reason, finishing the bind off and weaving in the ends makes it almost impossible for me to pick up the project again. This is true even if the end result is not wearable. Why is that? Do you have that problem too? Maybe posting it will give me the nudge that I need to actually fix the problem.
By the way, the really cool thing about this pattern (and the reason that I decided to knit it) is that the shaping is done with the cables. When the pattern needs to decrease at the waist, it's the cable that decreases. Also, this is the first time that I have actually knit horseshoe cables.

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